Saturday, February 2, 2013

Where it all began....

Alright so here goes nothing....I have no experience with blogging whatsoever so bear with me. Anyways I want to share the challenges and successes I have been facing along my journey to "get fit" and live a healthier lifestyle. Keep in mind that I am NOT an expert, what works for me may not work for you, and my opinion is as good as the next person's.  Let's get to know me for a bit.  First off I was always active in high school, I did cross country all four years and pretty much tried every sport out there at some point.  I came to the conclusion that I will NEVER be a dancer, I have no rhythm at all and I am the clumsiest person you will probably ever meet. I'm more of a runner/weight lifting chick I've discovered. My goal is to not get skinny, but to get F-I-T!! And by this I mean, get rid of fat and gain muscles!! No I do not want to be a body builder, I just want to look lean and be in the best shape of my life. most young adults, I went to college, priorities changed and I gained weight. I was so so unhappy with myself so about two years ago I decided I was going to change that. I hired a personal trainer and worked out with him 2 times a week plus I did a lot of running and cycling.  The weight came off and I was 20lbs thinner, I felt ammmmazzzzzing.
So what happened???
Well, I got accepted into my nursing program and got pretty overwhelmed at first. I was making up excuses for not taking better care of myself.  "I didn't have time." "I was too tired." "I was working too much." While all of those things may have been true, the truth is there is no excuse for your health and your happiness. So I decided that before I started my second semester in my nursing program that some major changes were in order.  I was DONE making up excuses and I was ready to get back on track.
So here I am, sixteen pounds lighter, more muscular than ever, and training for a half marathon. Who would have thought?

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