Sunday, February 3, 2013

Blessing or a Curse?

So here is a perfect example of why I named my blog "Fit girl problems."  I knew I was losing weight and inches but it really didn't occur to me how much I've lost until I was trying to find things to wear this weekend.  I am literally swimming in everything I own! I don't know how people that lose weight can afford it.  I guess I am stuck wearing leggings and sweat pants for a while until I get to where I want to be.  You'll have to pardon my saggy pants, I swear I am not a ganster. 
And while I am ranting about how my clothes don't fit, lets get real here.  WHY must our boobs shrink when us women lose weight?!? This is a true FIT GIRL PROBLEM right here.  No wonder why all of the fitness models out there have implants, it's pretty much impossible to have any sort of chest if you are working out unless of course you are that exception and you got blessed with a nice rack. For me however, this is not the case.  Shout out to the Itty Bitty Titty Committee right here.
So tonight I am trying to mentally prepare myself to begin training tomorrow for the Heights Half Marathon in April.  The training schedule consists of 3 days of running, 2 days of strength training, 1 day of 30-60 minutes of an activity of my choice, and 1 rest day up until the race.  It's going to be a lot of work but I am so up for the challenge. I want to destroy this race and show it who's boss.  The race course is filled with lots and lots of hills so in the next couple of weeks I will be doing a lot of hill training, as well as interval training.  I'll be sure to keep you updated on my runs and how the training is going!!
As far as the Super Bowl goes, I'm not much of a football fan but Beyonce sure killed it. The whole performance gave me chills and did you check out that body??? Not too bad for just having a baby!

Keep pushing on everyone. One day at a time.

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